Using a period in your URL can be done with IIS URL Rewrite
Using a period in your URL can be done with IIS URL RewriteArticle Entry Date: February 3,2024 @ 08:05:14 / Last Updated On: February 3,2024 @ 08:08:07
A period is not allowed in a URL, but there is a work around using a URL Rewrite trick.
In the URL Rewrite, we can create a pattern that allows certain characters to be allowed in the URL The below example allows the period in the URL String. -.- The full pattern is this. (This is what is used here on CFFCS.COM.) ([_0-9a-z-(-)-,-.-]+) It is only being used in the [Date] column. (This can be used throughout all columns and does not just have to be used in a designated column)