Using a Colon in your URL can be done with IIS URL Rewrite
Using a Colon in your URL can be done with IIS URL RewriteArticle Entry Date: February 20,2023 @ 03:48:13 / Last Updated On: February 3,2024 @ 08:07:25
The following error will occur when you have a Colon (:) in your URL.
To use a colon in your IIS Website URL, you must have the URL Rewrite module installed on the IIS Server and running on the website. The following code will allow your website to run with a colon.
Inside your Wb.Config file, add the following.
(Change the MainName to the name of your Structure. Example: Site.aspx?Main.aspx&Time=25:56&Page=My_Time MainName = Folder)
In the URL Rewrite, we can create a pattern that allows certain characters to be allowed in the URL The below example allows the colon in the URL String. -:- The full pattern is this. (This is what is used here on CFFCS.COM.) ([_0-9a-z-(-)-:-]+) It is only being used in the [Time] column. (This can be used throughout all columns and does not just have to be used in a designated column)