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Format SQL Script
Classic ASP
SELECT Statement, INSERT Statement, UPDATE Statement, DELETE Statement, in ASP using Parameter's, in the combat against SQL & XSS INJECTION
Format Your SQL Script
Live Editing Disabled for Server-Side Example
<%' The above file is our Connection to our database. ' Below is all the code that is needed in order to retrieve our data from our Database. getType = protectSQL(request.QueryString("Type")) Set getAllSQL = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") getAllSQL.ActiveConnection=objConn getAllSQL.Prepared = true getAllSQL.Commandtext = "SELECT ID, MyFirst, MySecond, MyInfo FROM Teaching" ' We only want to get the list of records, so we do not need anything else added to our SELECT STATEMENT. set objRs = getAllSQL.execute set objRs1 = getAllSQL.execute ' So we can reuse getS = ProtectSQL(Request.QueryString("Update")) ' Looks at the QueryString, if present, then we will use it against our database, wrapped in our Global Injection Protector if getS<>"" then ' Check to see if there is a value given for the Update query. If a value exists, then proceed. 'response.Write getS 'response.End() Set getSQL = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") ' Creates our Command Object getSQL.ActiveConnection=objConn ' Gets our Connection getSQL.Prepared = true ' Stores the CommandText for future use (To retrieve the records faster) getSQL.Commandtext = "SELECT ID, MyFirst, MySecond, MyInfo FROM Teaching where ID=?" ' Always list these in order as they appear. ' Parameters will help with the prevention of SQL INJECTION. Get used to using this, as it will save your site and maybe even your job one day. getSQL.Parameters.Append getSQL.CreateParameter("@ID", adInteger, adParamInput, , getS) set UpdateRs = getSQL.execute ' We set our RecordSet here, so there i no need to use the CreateObject. if not UpdateRs.eof then ' If there are any records, we will continue on to the next line. If the DB is empty, then we stop. MyID = int(UpdateRs("ID")) ' Gets the ID, and the int, make sure that it remains a Number. MyFirst = ReverseSQL(UpdateRs("MyFirst")) ' Gets the MyFirst Record MySecond = ReverseSQL(UpdateRs("MySecond")) ' Gets the MySecond Record MyInfo = ReverseSQL(UpdateRs("MyInfo")) ' To read the information back into the Memofield (Textarea), we have to format it and strip the tags from it. end if ' end it here ' close our RecordSet UpdateRs.close set UpdateRs = nothing end if ' end it here %>
ASP Classic - SELECT Statement, INSERT Statement, UPDATE Statement, DELETE Statement, in ASP using Parameter's, in the combat against SQL & XSS INJECTION
<%' Always put your Attributes up here; never keep them in your HTML. ' The WIDTH tag is no longer supported in valid XHTML, so always do your WIDTH and HEIGHT tags here. ' Capital Letters in your CSS Values is not supported. Your Class and ID Names can be CaPiTaL but not the attributes.%>
Insert Records
Delete Records
View All Records
<%if getType="All" or getS<>"" then%>
Update an existing Record in the Database
My First
My Second
<textarea name="MyInfo" cols="25" rows="5"><%=MyInfo%></textarea>
<%elseif getType="Insert" then%>
Insert a New Record into the Database
My First
My Second
<textarea name="MyInfo" cols="25" rows="5"></textarea>
<%elseif getType="Delete" then%>
Delete a Record in a Database
Choose Record
<%'We are going to get the Values from the database and put them in a Dropdown (ListMenu) and so we can choose the item that we want to Delete%>
Choose a Record
<% While (NOT objRs.EOF) if not objRs.eof then strSec = objRs("MySecond") strFirst = objRs("MyFirst") strID = objRs("ID") end if %>
<%=strFirst&" - "&strSec%>
<% objRs.MoveNext() Wend %>
<%End if%> <%' Here, we are going to list all the Records in the Database, so we can then choose the one that we want to edit (UPDATE) ' This will also show you how to loop through the records and display them on the page.%>
List of all the records to update
<%While Not objRs1.EOF%>
"><%=objRS1("MyFirst")&" "&objRs1("MySecond")%>
<%' Always close out of your RecordSets and your DB Connection after you are finished with them and no longer are in need of them. objRs1.MoveNext Wend objRs1.Close Set objRs=Nothing objConn.close set objConn = nothing %>
$(document).ready(function(){ $('form').submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ url: "setRecords.asp", type: "POST", data: $(this).serialize(), success: function(data){ $(".postData").html(data); }, error: function(){ $(".postData").html("Form submission failed!"); } }); }); });
-- Create a new database called [Virtual-Class-01] in SQL Server. -- Right-click and choose [New Query] -- Copy and paste the code below and hit [Execute] USE [Virtual-Class-01] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Teaching] Script Date: 5/12/2022 2:43:41 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Teaching]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [MyFirst] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [MySecond] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [MyInfo] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Teaching] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Teaching] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[Teaching] ([ID], [MyFirst], [MySecond], [MyInfo]) VALUES (4, N'Second', N'Second Line in Second Column', N'This is another bit of information that is not really worth anything, just something to write.') GO INSERT [dbo].[Teaching] ([ID], [MyFirst], [MySecond], [MyInfo]) VALUES (5, N'Carrz-Fox-Fire Promotions', N'Company Name', N'This is our company name.') GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Teaching] OFF GO
Classic ASP
<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <%' The above line only goes in this file, and this file MUST BE the 1 INCLUDE FILE of every page that needs to have a database connection. ' This page contains the link to the ADOVBS.inc file, which contains all your Parameters. ' This is very important in the battle to combat SQL Injection. %> <% siteurl = "" getServer = "sqlcorecs-01" getInstance = "sql2019" getID = "testuser" getPW = "testuser" Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source="&getServer&"\"&getInstance&"; Initial Catalog=Virtual-Class-01;User ID="&getID&";Password="&getPW&";") ' Remember, when you open a connection to your database, you will need to close it. ' You will find the closers in the setRecords.asp and Load.asp ' At the bottom of each page. ' Added 12/11/2009 ' We are going to protect our database and our site globally. Tested and true. ' Now we are going to protect all of our database entries against possible intrusions and attacks. ' Which are most commonly referred to as SQL & XSS Injections. Function ProtectSQL(SQLString) SQLString = Replace(SQLString, "'", "''") ' replace single Quotes with Double Quotes SQLString = Replace(SQLString, ">", ">") ' replace > with > SQLString = Replace(SQLString, "<", "<") ' replace < with < SQLString = Replace(SQLString, "(","(") ' replace ( with ( SQLString = Replace(SQLString, ")",")") ' replace ) with ) SQLString = Trim(SQLString) ProtectSQL = SQLString End Function ' Just added 5/12/2022 ' Here we are going to reverse our protection; this is used to display our records back to an input or textarea for editing. Function ReverseSQL(SQLReverse) SQLReverse = Replace(SQLReverse, "''", "'") ' replace single Quotes with Double Quotes SQLReverse = Replace(SQLReverse, "(","(") ' replace ( with ( SQLReverse = Replace(SQLReverse, ")",")") ' replace ) with ) SQLReverse = Replace(SQLReverse, "
", vblf) ' replace vblf with
(This is mainly used for Memo fields. SQLReverse = Trim(SQLReverse) ReverseSQL = SQLReverse End Function
<% '-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Microsoft ADO ' ' (c) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ' ' ADO constants include file for VBScript ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------- '---- CursorTypeEnum Values ---- Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0 Const adOpenKeyset = 1 Const adOpenDynamic = 2 Const adOpenStatic = 3 '---- CursorOptionEnum Values ---- Const adHoldRecords = &H00000100 Const adMovePrevious = &H00000200 Const adAddNew = &H01000400 Const adDelete = &H01000800 Const adUpdate = &H01008000 Const adBookmark = &H00002000 Const adApproxPosition = &H00004000 Const adUpdateBatch = &H00010000 Const adResync = &H00020000 Const adNotify = &H00040000 Const adFind = &H00080000 Const adSeek = &H00400000 Const adIndex = &H00800000 '---- LockTypeEnum Values ---- Const adLockReadOnly = 1 Const adLockPessimistic = 2 Const adLockOptimistic = 3 Const adLockBatchOptimistic = 4 '---- ExecuteOptionEnum Values ---- Const adRunAsync = &H00000010 Const adAsyncExecute = &H00000010 Const adAsyncFetch = &H00000020 Const adAsyncFetchNonBlocking = &H00000040 Const adExecuteNoRecords = &H00000080 '---- ConnectOptionEnum Values ---- Const adAsyncConnect = &H00000010 '---- ObjectStateEnum Values ---- Const adStateClosed = &H00000000 Const adStateOpen = &H00000001 Const adStateConnecting = &H00000002 Const adStateExecuting = &H00000004 Const adStateFetching = &H00000008 '---- CursorLocationEnum Values ---- Const adUseServer = 2 Const adUseClient = 3 '---- DataTypeEnum Values ---- Const adEmpty = 0 Const adTinyInt = 16 Const adSmallInt = 2 Const adInteger = 3 Const adBigInt = 20 Const adUnsignedTinyInt = 17 Const adUnsignedSmallInt = 18 Const adUnsignedInt = 19 Const adUnsignedBigInt = 21 Const adSingle = 4 Const adDouble = 5 Const adCurrency = 6 Const adDecimal = 14 Const adNumeric = 131 Const adBoolean = 11 Const adError = 10 Const adUserDefined = 132 Const adVariant = 12 Const adIDispatch = 9 Const adIUnknown = 13 Const adGUID = 72 Const adDate = 7 Const adDBDate = 133 Const adDBTime = 134 'Const adDBTimeStamp = 135 Const adDateTime = 135 Const adBSTR = 8 Const adChar = 129 Const adVarChar = 200 Const adLongVarChar = 201 Const adWChar = 130 Const adVarWChar = 202 Const adLongVarWChar = 203 Const adBinary = 128 Const adVarBinary = 204 Const adLongVarBinary = 205 Const adChapter = 136 Const adFileTime = 64 Const adDBFileTime = 137 Const adPropVariant = 138 Const adVarNumeric = 139 '---- FieldAttributeEnum Values ---- Const adFldMayDefer = &H00000002 Const adFldUpdatable = &H00000004 Const adFldUnknownUpdatable = &H00000008 Const adFldFixed = &H00000010 Const adFldIsNullable = &H00000020 Const adFldMayBeNull = &H00000040 Const adFldLong = &H00000080 Const adFldRowID = &H00000100 Const adFldRowVersion = &H00000200 Const adFldCacheDeferred = &H00001000 Const adFldKeyColumn = &H00008000 '---- EditModeEnum Values ---- Const adEditNone = &H0000 Const adEditInProgress = &H0001 Const adEditAdd = &H0002 Const adEditDelete = &H0004 '---- RecordStatusEnum Values ---- Const adRecOK = &H0000000 Const adRecNew = &H0000001 Const adRecModified = &H0000002 Const adRecDeleted = &H0000004 Const adRecUnmodified = &H0000008 Const adRecInvalid = &H0000010 Const adRecMultipleChanges = &H0000040 Const adRecPendingChanges = &H0000080 Const adRecCanceled = &H0000100 Const adRecCantRelease = &H0000400 Const adRecConcurrencyViolation = &H0000800 Const adRecIntegrityViolation = &H0001000 Const adRecMaxChangesExceeded = &H0002000 Const adRecObjectOpen = &H0004000 Const adRecOutOfMemory = &H0008000 Const adRecPermissionDenied = &H0010000 Const adRecSchemaViolation = &H0020000 Const adRecDBDeleted = &H0040000 '---- GetRowsOptionEnum Values ---- Const adGetRowsRest = -1 '---- PositionEnum Values ---- Const adPosUnknown = -1 Const adPosBOF = -2 Const adPosEOF = -3 '---- enum Values ---- Const adBookmarkCurrent = 0 Const adBookmarkFirst = 1 Const adBookmarkLast = 2 '---- MarshalOptionsEnum Values ---- Const adMarshalAll = 0 Const adMarshalModifiedOnly = 1 '---- AffectEnum Values ---- Const adAffectCurrent = 1 Const adAffectGroup = 2 Const adAffectAll = 3 Const adAffectAllChapters = 4 '---- ResyncEnum Values ---- Const adResyncUnderlyingValues = 1 Const adResyncAllValues = 2 '---- CompareEnum Values ---- Const adCompareLessThan = 0 Const adCompareEqual = 1 Const adCompareGreaterThan = 2 Const adCompareNotEqual = 3 Const adCompareNotComparable = 4 '---- FilterGroupEnum Values ---- Const adFilterNone = 0 Const adFilterPendingRecords = 1 Const adFilterAffectedRecords = 2 Const adFilterFetchedRecords = 3 Const adFilterPredicate = 4 Const adFilterConflictingRecords = 5 '---- SearchDirectionEnum Values ---- Const adSearchForward = 1 Const adSearchBackward = -1 '---- PersistFormatEnum Values ---- Const adPersistADTG = 0 Const adPersistXML = 1 '---- StringFormatEnum Values ---- Const adStringXML = 0 Const adStringHTML = 1 Const adClipString = 2 '---- ConnectPromptEnum Values ---- Const adPromptAlways = 1 Const adPromptComplete = 2 Const adPromptCompleteRequired = 3 Const adPromptNever = 4 '---- ConnectModeEnum Values ---- Const adModeUnknown = 0 Const adModeRead = 1 Const adModeWrite = 2 Const adModeReadWrite = 3 Const adModeShareDenyRead = 4 Const adModeShareDenyWrite = 8 Const adModeShareExclusive = &Hc Const adModeShareDenyNone = &H10 '---- IsolationLevelEnum Values ---- Const adXactUnspecified = &Hffffffff Const adXactChaos = &H00000010 Const adXactReadUncommitted = &H00000100 Const adXactBrowse = &H00000100 Const adXactCursorStability = &H00001000 Const adXactReadCommitted = &H00001000 Const adXactRepeatableRead = &H00010000 Const adXactSerializable = &H00100000 Const adXactIsolated = &H00100000 '---- XactAttributeEnum Values ---- Const adXactCommitRetaining = &H00020000 Const adXactAbortRetaining = &H00040000 '---- PropertyAttributesEnum Values ---- Const adPropNotSupported = &H0000 Const adPropRequired = &H0001 Const adPropOptional = &H0002 Const adPropRead = &H0200 Const adPropWrite = &H0400 '---- ErrorValueEnum Values ---- Const adErrInvalidArgument = &Hbb9 Const adErrNoCurrentRecord = &Hbcd Const adErrIllegalOperation = &Hc93 Const adErrInTransaction = &Hcae Const adErrFeatureNotAvailable = &Hcb3 Const adErrItemNotFound = &Hcc1 Const adErrObjectInCollection = &Hd27 Const adErrObjectNotSet = &Hd5c Const adErrDataConversion = &Hd5d Const adErrObjectClosed = &He78 Const adErrObjectOpen = &He79 Const adErrProviderNotFound = &He7a Const adErrBoundToCommand = &He7b Const adErrInvalidParamInfo = &He7c Const adErrInvalidConnection = &He7d Const adErrNotReentrant = &He7e Const adErrStillExecuting = &He7f Const adErrOperationCancelled = &He80 Const adErrStillConnecting = &He81 Const adErrNotExecuting = &He83 Const adErrUnsafeOperation = &He84 '---- ParameterAttributesEnum Values ---- Const adParamSigned = &H0010 Const adParamNullable = &H0040 Const adParamLong = &H0080 '---- ParameterDirectionEnum Values ---- Const adParamUnknown = &H0000 Const adParamInput = &H0001 Const adParamOutput = &H0002 Const adParamInputOutput = &H0003 Const adParamReturnValue = &H0004 '---- CommandTypeEnum Values ---- Const adCmdUnknown = &H0008 Const adCmdText = &H0001 Const adCmdTable = &H0002 Const adCmdStoredProc = &H0004 Const adCmdFile = &H0100 Const adCmdTableDirect = &H0200 '---- EventStatusEnum Values ---- Const adStatusOK = &H0000001 Const adStatusErrorsOccurred = &H0000002 Const adStatusCantDeny = &H0000003 Const adStatusCancel = &H0000004 Const adStatusUnwantedEvent = &H0000005 '---- EventReasonEnum Values ---- Const adRsnAddNew = 1 Const adRsnDelete = 2 Const adRsnUpdate = 3 Const adRsnUndoUpdate = 4 Const adRsnUndoAddNew = 5 Const adRsnUndoDelete = 6 Const adRsnRequery = 7 Const adRsnResynch = 8 Const adRsnClose = 9 Const adRsnMove = 10 Const adRsnFirstChange = 11 Const adRsnMoveFirst = 12 Const adRsnMoveNext = 13 Const adRsnMovePrevious = 14 Const adRsnMoveLast = 15 '---- SchemaEnum Values ---- Const adSchemaProviderSpecific = -1 Const adSchemaAsserts = 0 Const adSchemaCatalogs = 1 Const adSchemaCharacterSets = 2 Const adSchemaCollations = 3 Const adSchemaColumns = 4 Const adSchemaCheckConstraints = 5 Const adSchemaConstraintColumnUsage = 6 Const adSchemaConstraintTableUsage = 7 Const adSchemaKeyColumnUsage = 8 Const adSchemaReferentialConstraints = 9 Const adSchemaTableConstraints = 10 Const adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage = 11 Const adSchemaIndexes = 12 Const adSchemaColumnPrivileges = 13 Const adSchemaTablePrivileges = 14 Const adSchemaUsagePrivileges = 15 Const adSchemaProcedures = 16 Const adSchemaSchemata = 17 Const adSchemaSQLLanguages = 18 Const adSchemaStatistics = 19 Const adSchemaTables = 20 Const adSchemaTranslations = 21 Const adSchemaProviderTypes = 22 Const adSchemaViews = 23 Const adSchemaViewColumnUsage = 24 Const adSchemaViewTableUsage = 25 Const adSchemaProcedureParameters = 26 Const adSchemaForeignKeys = 27 Const adSchemaPrimaryKeys = 28 Const adSchemaProcedureColumns = 29 Const adSchemaDBInfoKeywords = 30 Const adSchemaDBInfoLiterals = 31 Const adSchemaCubes = 32 Const adSchemaDimensions = 33 Const adSchemaHierarchies = 34 Const adSchemaLevels = 35 Const adSchemaMeasures = 36 Const adSchemaProperties = 37 Const adSchemaMembers = 38 '---- SeekEnum Values ---- Const adSeekFirstEQ = &H1 Const adSeekLastEQ = &H2 Const adSeekAfterEQ = &H4 Const adSeekAfter = &H8 Const adSeekBeforeEQ = &H10 Const adSeekBefore = &H20 '---- ADCPROP_UPDATECRITERIA_ENUM Values ---- Const adCriteriaKey = 0 Const adCriteriaAllCols = 1 Const adCriteriaUpdCols = 2 Const adCriteriaTimeStamp = 3 '---- ADCPROP_ASYNCTHREADPRIORITY_ENUM Values ---- Const adPriorityLowest = 1 Const adPriorityBelowNormal = 2 Const adPriorityNormal = 3 Const adPriorityAboveNormal = 4 Const adPriorityHighest = 5 '---- CEResyncEnum Values ---- Const adResyncNone = 0 Const adResyncAutoIncrement = 1 Const adResyncConflicts = 2 Const adResyncUpdates = 4 Const adResyncInserts = 8 Const adResyncAll = 15 '---- ADCPROP_AUTORECALC_ENUM Values ---- Const adRecalcUpFront = 0 Const adRecalcAlways = 1 %>
<%' Update 1/11/2016 (Added Global Protection line: 36) 'Here we have all of our database statements. We keep them on a single page and choose which one we wish to use by using a simple IF STATEMENT. Using the IF statement, we can have multiple statements on the same page. This cuts down on the paper trail and makes it easier to work with. 'Always keep everything together, and put other items in other places. For example, our database connection is in a file called cons.asp, which stands for Connections. 'The Parameters that we are using here will help in the combat against SQL INJECTION and also makes for a better code presentation for yourself and future developers that will come in, later on, to work with your code. 'Using Parameters makes sure that you set them in order. For Example 'UpCom.CommandText = "Update Teaching set [MyFirst]=?, [MySecond]=? WHERE ID=?" 'UpCom.Parameters.Append UpCom.CreateParameter("@MyFirst", adChar, adParamInput, 255, UpF) 'UpCom.Parameters.Append UpCom.CreateParameter("@MySecond", adChar, adParamInput, 255, UpS 'UpCom.Parameters.Append UpCom.CreateParameter("@ID", adInteger, adParamInput, , UpID) 'In the above, each line corresponds with the way it is presented in the statement, make sure that you do not get them mixed up, as you can mess up your records (Or) it will generate an error. 'I am pretty sure that you will grasp the concept here. It is easy to use and understand. 'The file ADOVBS.inc holds the values for all the Parameters that are located in your statements CreateParameter. 'Good Luck 'Carrzkiss (Wayne Barron – Carrz-Fox-Fire Promotions) 'response.Write "Hello World" '==================================================================================================== ' Now that we have it wrapped in a Function, we can now apply it to our field in the code below. ' We will add it to every field that requires protection to keep ourselves out of harm's way. ' Example of usuage.... ' fieldVale = ProtectSQL(trim(request.Form("MyFieldValue"))) ' fieldNum = ProtectSQL(int(request.Form("MyFieldNumber"))) ' You will notice that we have ProtectSQL(trim( ' we always want to add in what the variable is, rather it is ' text = TRIM ' number = INT ' Please look through the code and keep up good practice. 'gettheSub = Request.Form("SubmitForm") getSub = protectSQL(request.form("SubmitForm")) 'strGet = request.Form("Submit") 'response.Write "Hello" if getSub="Delete" then Del = ProtectSQL(request.form("DelCom")) ' We need to make sure that there is a record selected, so that we do not get an error on the form. if Del="Choose a Record" then response.write"Please choose a record to delete" else Set DelCom=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") DelCom.ActiveConnection=objConn DelCom.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Teaching WHERE ID=?" DelCom.Parameters.Append DelCom.CreateParameter("@ID", adInteger, adParamInput, , Del) DelCom.Execute response.Write"Record Deleted Successfully!" Set getSQLCt = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") ' Creates our Command Object getSQLCt.ActiveConnection=objConn ' Gets our Connection getSQLCt.Prepared = true ' Stores the CommandText for future use (To retrieve the records faster) getSQLCt.Commandtext = "SELECT count(ID) as ctItems FROM Teaching" ' Always list these in order as they appear. set rsCt = getSQLCt.execute ' We set our RecordSet here, so there i no need to use the CreateObject. if rsCt("ctItems")= 0 then MyFirst = Split("First,Second,Carrz-Fox-Fire Promotions,CFF Coding Source", ",") MySecond = Split("First line in Second Column,Second Line in Second Column,Company Name,Website Design", ",") MyInfo = Split("This information in about something else all together.,This is another bit of information that is not really worth anything just something to write.,This is our company name!,A site for developing your skills as a web developer.", ",") 'arrMN = Split(SplitIt, ",") for i=0 to uBound(MyFirst) Set genSQL = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") genSQL.ActiveConnection=objConn genSQL.Prepared = true genSQL.commandtext = "insert into Teaching (MyFirst, MySecond, MyInfo) values (?,?,?)" genSQL.Parameters.Append genSQL.CreateParameter("@ListName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, MyFirst(i)) genSQL.Parameters.Append genSQL.CreateParameter("@ListName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, MySecond(i)) genSQL.Parameters.Append genSQL.CreateParameter("@ListName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 500, MyInfo(i)) genSQL.execute next response.Write "Inserted Another Set." end if 'end if end if end if ' To update an item we do this if getSub="Update" then ' get our fields UpF = ProtectSQL(Trim(request.Form("MyFirst"))) UpS = ProtectSQL(Trim(request.Form("MySecond"))) UpID = ProtectSQL(Int(request.Form("MyID"))) ' now lets make sure they have information in them if UpF="" then response.Write "Field #1 is not allow blank" elseif UpS="" then response.Write "Field #2 is not allow blank" else Set UpCom=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") UpCom.ActiveConnection=objConn UpInfo = ProtectSQL(trim(request.Form("MyInfo"))) UpCom.CommandText = "Update Teaching set [MyFirst]=?, [MySecond]=?, [MyInfo]=? WHERE ID=?" UpCom.Parameters.Append UpCom.CreateParameter("@MyFirst", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, UpF) UpCom.Parameters.Append UpCom.CreateParameter("@MySecond", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, UpS) UpCom.Parameters.Append UpCom.CreateParameter("@MyInfo", adVarChar, adParamInput, 4000, UpInfo) UpCom.Parameters.Append UpCom.CreateParameter("@ID", adInteger, adParamInput, , UpID) UpCom.Execute response.Write"Record Updated Successfully!" end if end if ' To insert an item we do this if getSub="Insert" then InsF = ProtectSQL(Trim(request.Form("MyFirst"))) InsS = ProtectSQL(Trim(request.Form("MySecond"))) InsInfo = ProtectSQL(trim(request.Form("MyInfo"))) if InsF="" then response.Write "Field #1 is not allow blank" elseif InsS="" then response.Write "Field #2 is not allow blank" elseif InsInfo="" then response.Write "Field #3 is not allow blank" else Set InsCom=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") InsCom.ActiveConnection=objConn InsCom.CommandText = "Insert into Teaching(MyFirst, MySecond, MyInfo)Values(?,?,?) " InsCom.Parameters.Append InsCom.CreateParameter("@MyFirst", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, InsF) InsCom.Parameters.Append InsCom.CreateParameter("@MySecond", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, InsS) InsCom.Parameters.Append InsCom.CreateParameter("@MyInfo", adVarChar, adParamInput, 4000, InsInfo) InsCom.Execute response.Write"Record Inserted Successfully!" end if end if ' Close out connections objConn.close set objConn = nothing %>
asp select statement
asp update statement
asp delete statement
Prevent SQL Injection
Prevent XSS Injestion