This is a paging system for Classic ASP, which also includes Columning with Classic ASP.
Designed by: Wayne Barron / CFF Coding Source
<%If objRs.EOF Then%>
No Data Found
<% Else%>
'Print the recent Data
Showing page
<%=CurrentPage%> of
<%=TotalPages%>: Total of Records:
<% Do While Not objRS.EOF And objRS.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
cellIndex = 0
' Creates the beginning table row tag%>
<%Do While cellIndex < MAX_CELLS_PER_ROW%>
<%itemIndex = 0
Do While itemIndex < MAX_ITEMS_PER_CELL%>
If objRS.EOF Then Exit Do
itemIndex = itemIndex + 1
<%cellIndex = cellIndex + 1
If objRS.EOF Then Exit Do
While cellIndex < MAX_CELLS_PER_ROW%>
<%cellIndex = cellIndex + 1
' Creates the ending table row tag%>
<%End If
'Creating the paging numbers
'Display PREV page link, if appropriate